General Infertility



  • Recently, infertility has been defined as failure to conceive within 1 year of regular unprotected sexual intercourse in women less than 35 years old, or within 6 months of unprotected sexual intercourse in women older than 35 years old.
  • Infertility is classified into two types: primary infertility – no previous pregnancy (approximately 40% of infertile couples); secondary infertility – a previous pregnancy whatever the outcome (about 60% of infertile couples).
  • Infertility is not just a medical problem. In fact, around 15% of couples have difficulty conceiving, and many of those people deal with medical, psychological, and financial stresses associated with the problem.

Causes of Infertility:


  • Around 15% of couples have difficulty conceiving. The causes of infertility can be broadly classified into female‐ and male‐related factors, each contributes to 50% of the infertility.
  • Among distinguishable female factors, which are responsible for 81% of female infertility, the most common are: ovulatory disorders (25%), endometriosis (15%), pelvic adhesions (12%), tubal blockage (11%), other tubal abnormalities (11%), and hyperprolactinemia (7%)
  • Male factor infertility affects around 30–55% of all couples and is the most difficult form of infertility to treat. The causes of male infertility include environmental disruptors, genetic defects, physiological and endocrine failure, and testicular pathologies.